Curtain Holdback

Best Decorative Shower Curtain Hooks

Decorative shower curtain hooks are a practical and stylish addition to any bathroom. They serve the purpose of hanging a shower curtain while also adding a touch of personal style to the space. These hooks come in a variety of shapes, materials,…
Curtain Holder

10 key points to consider curtains for living room

Here are the 10 key points to consider when choosing curtains for a living room: Purpose: Consider the purpose of the curtains, whether they are for privacy, light control, or simply for decor. Style: Choose a style that complements…
Pair Magnetic

Best Swag Holders for Curtains and Blinds

Swag holders are an essential component of any window treatment, providing both function and style to your curtains or blinds. With so many options on the market, choosing the best swag holders for your needs can be a challenge. Here, we'll…
how to install curtain holdbacks?

How to Install Curtain Holdbacks?

Installing curtain holdbacks is a simple DIY task that can add a stylish touch to your windows. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Gather necessary materials: You will need curtain holdbacks, screws or wall anchors, a drill or…